
Welcome to ThisisLegal, a hacker wargames site with much more - such as forums and tutorials.

The aim of the site is to help you learn and improve as much as we can and also provide a community with a chance to chat. The site is always up for suggestions for improvement and any challenge submissions or tutorial content are also welcome so please help to improve our community.

Members: 29113    Newest: GlennNon

Most recent user to complete a challenge: technow

Found a Bug?  Submit it Here

A problem has been reported relating to emails containing HTML failing to reach users email addresses. This has meant that a lot of new users are failing to receive their activation emails.

Emails have now been switched to plain text and all recent user accounts have been activated meaning you can log in straight away. Please check your junk folder if registering for the first time and try again and report any additional problems using the contact form. Thanks.

Author: t0mmy9 - Date:

A full rewrite of the site has now been completed. Everything should now run a lot smoother and generally be tidier throughout :)

There have been some changes such as the forums being moved to a dedicated solution and a new challenge and proxy added. Some challenge difficulties have also been changed due to improvements in technology. At the moment the forum database is not linked so users who have already posted will need to reset their password, and new users register. This will be integrated with standard user accounts in the future. The main password hashing function for the site has also been improved so users are recommended to log in to update their password hashes.

Any users who would like to submit new challenges, tutorials or possibly moderate the forums please get in touch. Also report any bugs found throughout the site using the contact page. Thanks.

Author: t0mmy9 - Date:

Sorry for even more downtime recently. These problems were down to our hosting provider and as a result the site has now been migrated to a new friendlier host.

Needing to do this has made me consider a full rewrite of the site again. A few months down the line we may be looking for new moderators and contributors, but for now if you can report any problems you find throughout the site caused by the migration these can be looked into. Thanks.

Author: t0mmy9 - Date:

Online (last 15 mins):   polio18